Sheep Bounce (like an ideal gas) for Science!


After seeing the silly, yet addictive website,, I decided to quickly remix the idea - For Science!

Sheep Bounce

Using artwork created by Henry Reich (of MinutePhysics), I created a small web app that allows you to play around with sheep that bounce around the screen. The sheep resemble how atoms might jiggle around in an ideal gas. My hope is that it sparks people’s interest to know more about ideal gases. The silly app could be the beginning of a question about physics, so I’ve placed a button leading to one of Henry’s videos in the side-panel.

Will this work to get people to watch more MinutePhysics? I’m not sure. I’ll have to wait until the analytics build up to make any assessment.

I see this as the beginning of a direction towards interaction as a learning process. I hope to build more highly-interactive web apps (with Henry) to engage people in the learning process. Ideally these interfaces would be much more active in education than Sheep Bounce, and would provide not just a top-down approach, but also a bottom-up. By that I mean: learning by interacting with the interface. More on this later…